What’s in a press release?

Sussex copywriting



For business owners and entrepreneurs there is so much to organise at this time year and never more so than for those organising festive events or promotions. So it’s all to easy in the mayhem to over look the simple but powerful device of the press release. But with a little bit of thought and care, a well written, timely press release can be very effective at reaching a wide audience and doesn’t cost you a penny. Here is the basics to writing your own and giving it the best chance of being published.

1. Make sure you have a short, clear but interesting headline that sums up the event or story.

2. Use the first sentence or two to provide all the essential information such as who, what, where, why and when.

3. Put the rest of the information in order of importance.

4. If it’s for publication online don’t forget to include keywords.

5. Don’t forget to provide contact details and details of where further information can be obtained.

6. Remember to indicate at the top that it’s a press release and when it is for release.

7. Keep a list of local editors who might be interested.

8. Include it in the body of any email rather than in an attachment and remove any formatting.

9. This is not the time for flowery and creative writing. Keep it journalistic and professional.

10. Include any other information that you think may be useful or of interest in a note to the editor.


It’s not guaranteed that your release will be published but follow the above guidelines and format and send to more than one editor and you’ll really improve your chances.






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