1 easy and instant way to improve your copywriting and your SEO

Sussex copywriting

Use headlines.

Yup, it’s that easy. And although I was tempted to end this blog there, just in case you don’t believe me, here’s 3 reasons why headlines make or break your copy.

Search engines check headings.

So include an appropriate keyword in your heading or sub heading and you’re sending a clear signal to Google and Co which in turn should improve your search engine results and rankings.

 Headings provide focus.

There is nothing worse than a rambling piece of copy but using relevant headings and sub heading force you as the writer to think about the structure and purpose of your piece.  And that will improve the quality of your copy and its attraction to your readers.

 A good title or heading makes the difference between someone reading the copy or not.

If you’re a half decent writer it can be tempting to play with your words and produce a clever but perhaps slightly obscure headline. Worse still for lack of time you might be tempted to produce something straightforward but frankly dull, something  like  “Headline Copy” for this blog for example.

But a good headline is not only clear and succinct but has some other important ingredients too. It should grab your readers attention and make it impossible for them to resist reading on. Offer them something they want or need, use “How to” style headlines or just be provocative and incite curiosity. You’ve got just a few seconds to draw them in so give your headline the thought and attention to detail it deserves and above all else make sure your copywriting delivers on your headline’s promise.


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